Purchasing these will increase you kills already on your character to the amount of which you would like to buy, please make sure to choose your platform and select the correct legends. We offer 4 kill Packages if there is something specific that you would like please use the chat at the bottom right of your screen to ask!


-S Tier

In stock (-2 items:)

Purchasing this will acquire you 1000 kills on your account for the character of your choice

£190.00 GBP

In stock (-1 items:)

Purchasing this will acquire you 500 kills on your account for the character of your choice

£110.00 GBP

In stock (-1 items:)

Purchasing this will acquire you 250kills on your account for the character of your choice

£65.00 GBP

In stock (-1 items:)

Purchasing this will acquire you 100 kills on your account for the character of your choice

£34.50 GBP